Summary: Tony Knoerzer is presenting a keynote talk at a supply-chain and innovation driven Master Class
A Practical Approach for Producing Sustainable Packaging
A broad cross section of experts will presenta half day Masterclass on innovation, manufacturing and supply chains for plastics in a sustainable economy. January 7, 2024 12 PM to 6PM
At the University of Nevada Las Vegas Student Union, 4505 S Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89154
Registration: Making Sustainable Plastics a Reality
The world is currently facing a pressing need for new sustainable materials especially in the area of packaging. New ideas and technology are rapidly emerging to emphasize recyclability, biodegradation, sustainable sourcing, reduced energy consumption and circular economics.
Producing a sustainable package is a series of innovation, sourcing, and production challenges. Most programs fail for just a few reasons. For example, if expectations on cost, performance, and the consumer’s willingness to pay are not accurate, the program will not produce enough value to continue. There are also missed opportunities to consider. What alternatives were rejected in favor of the chosen option? A failure to seek external help at critical times can also impede a project. Often a little help has a sizable impact on the toughest parts of the project, helping them progress quickly and smoothly. These are all common issues, some of which are easily avoided. Tony will present his experience and practical approaches to the innovation and development process, sourcing and manufacturing in the context of these challenges.
Tony Knoerzer is the retired VP of Packaging for PepsiCo and led the original Compostable SunchipsTM innovation team. Today he consults extensively with both large and small CPG’s on innovation, sustainability and productivity. He also works widely in the area of ultrasonic sealing, which offers many benefits for sustainable materials. Tony is an avid inventor holding over 50 patents.
The Teal Economy Group hosts events that highlight underserved industrial segments with an outsized impact on sustainability and carbon reduction. Our conferences, Masterclasses and other resources bring real world expertise and structured information together, driving attendees to actionable insights.
Our First Master class focuses on plastics, an area with both huge potential for sustainable solutions, and significant challenges and innovations in lifecycle management. “Making Sustainable Plastics a Reality” brings together several very different real world perspectives and experienced professionals to provide a window into the possibilities and needs in this area.
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